
It’s the time of year I would be dusting down my bike and going for leisurely rides in the countryside and under the Government rules I still could I guess. I did try got a mile down the road, got a puncture and walked home…

Then I got a turbo trainer and discovered Zwift etc. which allowed me to cycle indoors #stayingsafe but getting exercise. I joined a Facebook cycling group and never looked back. I started a training plan which regimented my rides, is getting me fitter/stronger and gave me an aim at the end of the course, with a 2 hour non stop training ride at the end of the month (which I completed).

Alzheimer’s Society posted ads on Facebook (and elsewhere) to say they had a cycling challenge to raise much needed funded for dementia. As my mother and mother in law both passed away with this awful disease my thoughts were that I would like to help and with my training plan meaning I am bound to cycle for the next 5 weeks (at least) what could be better than to get fit AND raise money for a charity close to my heart at the same time!

cycling 100 miles

So I took up the baton and launched into raising funds and cycling. My initial target was raise £100 and cycle 100 miles

I also looked up some stats… did you know that 12.7% of deaths in England and Wales (2017, latest ONS figures available) were attributed to dementia, that’s a massive 67,641 people.

UPDATE: Challenge completed – in the end did 257 miles and raised £385

Link is still as below if you would like to add to it 😊:


Thank you to everyone who supported me 👏👏👏

CFD banner 1

p.s the challenge is still going if anyone else would like to participate!!!